Write Assessment in Different Location

Student Details

*Please note that the Student Hub will only accept and respond to applications via your imconnect email addresses.

Application Details

Supporting Docs

      Section 10.3.2 in IIE 009

      • Students registered in the distance mode elect their examination centre at registration and may not change this centre less than 8 weeks before the examination session in question. A request to change from the original centre must be lodged with the Student Hub.
      • For students registered in the contact mode who are representing their province or country as per the above definition may be given permission to write at a different location. This concession will not be approved for recreational reasons such as a holiday
      • If the nature of the reason makes it not possible for the student to write in a different location, they may also apply for a replacement assessment but must still do so at least 10 working days before the assessment.

      In these cases, the following apply:

      • If there is an IIE campus or other examination centre in the city where the student will be during the period concerned, the student may apply to write at that campus or centre by lodging an application on the Student Hub.
      • If the student is in a city where there is no campus or centre or is out of the country, the onus is on the student to identify a religious site or an embassy/ consulate or an educational institution where s/he can write. If the student is in hospital, s/he can make similar arrangements there.
      • The onus is on the student to identify the site and secure an invigilator from this site and to provide the contact details for verification to the campus academic administrator concerned.
      • All costs are for the student’s account for contact students.
      • The campus will verify the arrangements with the remote site and the invigilator. The invigilator needs to agree in writing to ensuring that all examination rules are followed and these need to be provided by the campus to the invigilator.
      • The invigilator is required to return the paper to the campus for marking.

      The examination is to be written at the same time as it is being written in South Africa (SA) if this is possible to achieve during the day, or if the time zones are too different, the paper is to be written at 08:00 on the morning immediately after the SA students have written (that is during the SA night). The Operations Manager of CAT will determine if the time difference is a security risk and will then determine the alternative arrangements which the campus or operations team must carry out.

      These arrangements must be confirmed in writing by the campus with the examination venue and filed on the student’s record electronically.

      The completed assessment may be scanned and mailed back for marking purposes, but arrangements must be made to have the original scripts collected and returned for record keeping purposes.

      Except in the case of provincial or national representation, this is normally only available once per academic year.

      In the case of students who are repeating modules and are studying or working in another location and have lodged an application via the Student Hub at the start of the semester, assessments may be written at another location for those modules and the once per academic year requirement is waived.

      1. Proof of Reason and Name and Contact details of Invigilator
      2. Additional/Supporting Costs

      IIE MSA is an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd which is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 (reg. no. 2007/HE07/002). Company Registration number: 1987/004754/07.

      Please ensure that you have read and understood all regulations, policies, and codes of conduct. Access the IIE library support site here where you will find the Academic Policies. Understanding of these policies will ensure the correct and efficient processing of all applications made via the Student HUB.


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