Reprint Certificate

Reprints will normally only be printed three times per year; at the end of March, June and October.

For any urgent requests outside these timeframes, the student will have to bear the additional printing costs.

Student Details

*Please note that the Student Hub will only accept and respond to applications via your imconnect email addresses.

Application Details

Supporting Docs

      • For students who have graduated with a full qualification or completed a short learning programme(s) successfully - they have either lost their certificate or there is an error on the certificate
      • Reprints will only be processed if there are no outstanding fees and it is a valid request for reprint.
      • Student needs to provide affidavit (where certificate of qualification obtained, has been lost). Student needs to provide proof of ID or name change as applicable (if not on SAM) Original copy of Certificate, Diploma or Degree Barcode/ certificate no. and graduation eligibility to be verified as a business process on SAM or Alias
      • Reprint – R 400
      • The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd
        Account Name: IIE MSA
        Bank: ABSA Account Number: 4096238247
        Branch Code: 63035

      IIE MSA is an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd which is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 (reg. no. 2007/HE07/002). Company Registration number: 1987/004754/07.